Saturday, January 9, 2010

some quiz thingy.

1. Name a movie you've seen more than once:
Sid & Nancy, because honestly, what's more exciting than a junkie love story?

2. Name someone and something that inspires you:
Individual style and my Mum.

3. Celebrity Crush:
Julian McMahon, drooooooool.

4. What was the highlight of 2009?
The combination of my fake ID and being single, makes for a fantastic time.

5. What was the lowlight?
Anxiety and depression and the fact it caused me to lose so much weight that at one point you could see my bones sticking through my clothes. I don't care what you say, thin is not in.

6. If you could own one item of clothing what would it be?
A pair of tan peep toe ankle boots, am still yet to find exactly what I'm looking for.

7. Favourite Book:
A Child Called It, sooo sad.

8. What have you learnt this year?
People change, and letting go isn't always the easiest option but it's probably the best.

9. New years resolution:
DON'T FALL IN LOVE. And if I do, don't let a boy come before friends.

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